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Terri Mauro

Facebook Groups and More Social Media Resources for Parents of Children with Cerebral Palsy

Websites and organizations are a great source of information for parents of children with cerebral palsy. But sometimes what parents really need is a place to ask questions, share experiences, and offer assistance in a more real-time way—and social media is perfect for that. I asked Ellen Seidman, who writes about raising a son with cerebral palsy on her blog Love That Max, to suggest some Facebook resources she's found helpful, and she mentioned the following places where parents gather. You can also follow Ellen on Facebook and Twitter.

CHASA Shoe Exchange

Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: CHASA Shoe Exchange Find it at: Description (from the Chasa website): "Children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy often need to wear two different sizes of shoes.  The child may need a larger shoe to accommodate an orthotic (brace) or a smaller shoe because their affected foot may not grow as quickly as their unaffected foot. The Children’s Hemiplegia and Stroke Association (CHASA) created the CHASA Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy Shoe Exchange program to assist families in exchanging that extra pair of shoes. The group is open to parents of children with hemiplegia and adults with hemiplegia. Ideally, you will find another 'sole mate' who has feet the opposite size of your feet." Type: Closed group Website

Adults With Cerebral Palsy Advising Parents of Kids With CP

Find it at: Description (from the Facebook page): "I am an adult with Cerebral Palsy and I have noticed that in parents groups the parents love hearing our experiences. This group has already been a blessing to many parents. I feel it is my calling in life to helping parents learn about their kids from our perspective. Adults don't feel like you can't learn something to though." Type: Closed group

CP Warriors

Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: CP Warriors Find it at: Description (from the Facebook page): "This page is for all to vent, brag, tell all our amazing stories about our munchkins living with CP:) Please share your stories, pictures, and videos!! Help us all by giving positive feedback and become an amazing family!" Type: Closed group

Cerebral Palsy PARENTS Information Group

Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: CP Parents Information Find it at: Description (from the Facebook page): "This group is meant to be a community where PARENTS of children who have cerebral palsy can discuss issues, celebrate successes and ask questions related to our children and their specific needs." Type: Closed group

 Cerebral Palsy Worldwide

Social Media Resources for Cerebral Palsy: CP Worldwide Find it at: Description (from the Facebook page)"A place for people with Cerebral Palsy from around the globe to meet, share stories, frustrations and anything on their mind. This group's goal is to assist people to connect with others with CP as well as raise awareness of the condition." Type: Public group

Cerebral Palsy Parents Information Group

Find it at: Description (from the Facebook page): "This group was started as a forum for our clients to have a group to discuss CP amongst each other, but as time passed more and more parents outside our network wanted to join so we decided to open the group up to all parents of children with cerebral palsy. This way many different views are offered and different perspectives explored. Today we have thousands of great parents exchanging new information, offering support and great ideas. I am so proud of everyone here for making this site such a great community and resource. So from everyone at the law offices of Robert Diorio we welcome you to join us. It is our hope that you find this group an interesting community to meet new parents and get the latest information regarding cerebral palsy." Type: Public group

Parenting Special Needs Magazine

Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: Parenting Special Needs Magazine Find it at: Description (from the Facebook page): "Providing information and inspiration for those living special lives. Uniting the Special Needs Community by raising awareness and sharing life's lessons." Type: Page Website:

More Social Media Resources

Of course, there are many, many more social media spots for those who care about kids with cerebral palsy. For starters, try these Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube pages for organizations on our list of 25 Cerebral Palsy Resources You Should Know About. What social media sites do you want to let parents of kids with cerebral palsy know about? Share them in the comments.

United Cerebral Palsy

Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: United Cerebral Palsy Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: United Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy Foundation

Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: Cerebral Palsy Foundation Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: Cerebral Palsy Foundation Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: Cerebral Palsy Foundation Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: Cerebral Palsy Foundation

CP Family Network

Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: CP Family Network Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: CP Family Network Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: CP Family Network Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: CP Family Network

Cerebral Palsy Support Network

Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: Cerebral Palsy Support Network Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: Cerebral Palsy Support Network


Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: CanChildSocial Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: CanChild

Cerebral Palsy Alliance

Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: Cerebral Palsy Alliance Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: Cerebral Palsy Alliance Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: Cerebral Palsy Alliance Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: Cerebral Palsy Alliance

CP Daily Living

Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: CP Daily LivingSocial Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: CP Daily Living

Reaching for the Stars

Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: Reaching for the Stars Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: Reaching for the Stars Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: Reaching for the Stars

American Academy for Cerebral Palsy & Developmental Medicine

Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: AACPDM Social Media Resources on Cerebral Palsy: AACPDM

WRITTEN ON March 28, 2017 BY:

Terri Mauro