Resources Facebook
1. Attention Deficit Disorder
A page for people with ADD/ADHD to share their personal success strategies so the community can benefit. They publish articles from a variety of resources.
2. Managing Adult ADD / ADHD
A resource and community for those who are living with Adult ADD / ADHD. This page offers excellent information and resource from professionals and families who have experience with ADD/ADHD.
3. ADHD Kids Care Support Group
This is a page for everyone to discuss their feelings and ideas in regards to ADD and ADHD. Run by two moms who have children with ADD and ADHD who are looking for parents who would be interested in learning and growing within the ADD/ADHD community.
4. A Mom's View of ADHD
A Mom's View of ADHD is owned by Adrienne Bashista, writer, publisher, and special needs parent advocate. This page has moms sharing experiences in the trenches of ADHD.
Healthline helps you learn to live better with ADHD as well as to help find community, news, and more.
Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) is the nation's leading nonprofit organization serving people affected by ADHD and related conditions. On their Facebook Page CHADD offers links to upcoming events as well as important ADHD news and relevant articles.
This can be the place to just vent out your frustrations, to let somebody know that you know and have been threw what they are going threw. Life can be hard with a ADHD child, just hope this will be a place that can help you get through; maybe give you the encouragement to keep trying.
A page for moms of children with ADD/ADHD to share their stories, ask questions to other mothers who may have been through similar situations, and to provide support to each other.
National Resource Center on AD/HD provides science-based information about all aspects of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder . A partnership between CHADD and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the NRC provides information on this disorder affecting the lives of millions of children, adults and their families every day.
For all the parents raising a child with ADHD, ASD, ODD, CD, Anxiety or anything else that's difficult to go at alone, this is the place for you. This page offers support, advice, information or whatever else we as parents need to keep our sanity and stay strong.
A page for parents of children with any type of learning disabilities including ADD/ADHD, or for parents dealing with a learning disability themselves, to discuss and share our stories and to know that we are not alone.
This page documents the ups and downs of raising 3 children, two of which have autism and adhd.
@ADHD_news provides ADHD news from around the net in 140 characters or less. It will link you to articles on research
Terry is a nationally recognized ADHD consultant and writer. Her focus is to help moms and women survive ADHD. She is the Author of Survival Tips for Women with ADHD.
InsideADHD is an educational website designed for parents of children with ADHD, adults with ADHD, and school counselors that work with ADHD students.
Women with ADHD provides a support system for women who have ADHD. It exhibits relevant news articles, inspiration, and comfort to women who are all fighting the same fight.
Resources for families touched by attention deficit disorder (ADD/ADHD). Tweets courtesy of the editors & bloggers you love!
Follow Tara McGillicuddy at @livingwithadd. She is an internationally Recognized ADD / ADHD Expert. She strives to provides virtual support and education to people affected by ADD / ADHD. - Host of ADHD Support Talk Radio.
Everyday Health offers the latest ADHD news. You can also connect with ADHD patients and caretakers, all from the editors of @EverydayHealth
LinkedIn Groups
ADHD Positive mission is to improve the life of people with ADHD and their families, through products, services, knowledge, community and professional support.
ADD/ADHD Connect is a Google+ community of over 400 members of people with ADD or ADHD. Discussions revolve around parenting, treatment, adults with ADHD and much more.
30 ADD/ADHD Resources you should follow on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and more!
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common childhood disorders and can continue through adolescence and adulthood. Diagnosing ADHD can be tough and once a diagnosis is discovered, the next steps are crucial. For this reason we have compiled an eight part series on ADD/ADHD. Todays Post is part seven.30 ADD/ADHD Resources you should follow on Social Media
Social media has become a main source of news. Everyday millions of people log onto Facebook, check their Twitter feeds, and pin interesting articles on Pinterest. There is a wealth of information on these social media sites, so here is our list of ADD/ADHD resources you should be following on social media.Facebook

1. Attention Deficit Disorder 
A page for people with ADD/ADHD to share their personal success strategies so the community can benefit. They publish articles from a variety of resources.
2. Managing Adult ADD / ADHD 
A resource and community for those who are living with Adult ADD / ADHD. This page offers excellent information and resource from professionals and families who have experience with ADD/ADHD.
3. ADHD Kids Care Support Group 
This is a page for everyone to discuss their feelings and ideas in regards to ADD and ADHD. Run by two moms who have children with ADD and ADHD who are looking for parents who would be interested in learning and growing within the ADD/ADHD community.
4. A Mom's View of ADHD
A Mom's View of ADHD is owned by Adrienne Bashista, writer, publisher, and special needs parent advocate. This page has moms sharing experiences in the trenches of ADHD.
5. Living with ADHD: Healthline
Healthline helps you learn to live better with ADHD as well as to help find community, news, and more.
Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) is the nation's leading nonprofit organization serving people affected by ADHD and related conditions. On their Facebook Page CHADD offers links to upcoming events as well as important ADHD news and relevant articles.
7. Parents with kids with ADHD, ADD or ODD
This can be the place to just vent out your frustrations, to let somebody know that you know and have been threw what they are going threw. Life can be hard with a ADHD child, just hope this will be a place that can help you get through; maybe give you the encouragement to keep trying.
8. Moms with ADD/ADHD Children
A page for moms of children with ADD/ADHD to share their stories, ask questions to other mothers who may have been through similar situations, and to provide support to each other.
9. National Resource Center on AD/HD: A Program of CHADD
National Resource Center on AD/HD provides science-based information about all aspects of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder . A partnership between CHADD and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the NRC provides information on this disorder affecting the lives of millions of children, adults and their families every day.
10. Support for Parents of Children with ADD/ADHD
For all the parents raising a child with ADHD, ASD, ODD, CD, Anxiety or anything else that's difficult to go at alone, this is the place for you. This page offers support, advice, information or whatever else we as parents need to keep our sanity and stay strong.
11. Parents and kids with ADD/ADHD
A page for parents of children with any type of learning disabilities including ADD/ADHD, or for parents dealing with a learning disability themselves, to discuss and share our stories and to know that we are not alone.
12. Looking In / Looking Out -
Our Autism and ADHD Family
This page documents the ups and downs of raising 3 children, two of which have autism and adhd.

1. @ADHD_news
@ADHD_news provides ADHD news from around the net in 140 characters or less. It will link you to articles on research
2. @TerryMatlen
Terry is a nationally recognized ADHD consultant and writer. Her focus is to help moms and women survive ADHD. She is the Author of Survival Tips for Women with ADHD.
3. @insideADHD_org
InsideADHD is an educational website designed for parents of children with ADHD, adults with ADHD, and school counselors that work with ADHD students.
4. @womenwithadhd
Women with ADHD provides a support system for women who have ADHD. It exhibits relevant news articles, inspiration, and comfort to women who are all fighting the same fight.
5. @ADDitudeMag
Resources for families touched by attention deficit disorder (ADD/ADHD). Tweets courtesy of the editors & bloggers you love!
6. @livingwithadd
Follow Tara McGillicuddy at @livingwithadd. She is an internationally Recognized ADD / ADHD Expert. She strives to provides virtual support and education to people affected by ADD / ADHD. - Host of ADHD Support Talk Radio.
7. @ADHDFacts
Everyday Health offers the latest ADHD news. You can also connect with ADHD patients and caretakers, all from the editors of @EverydayHealth

1. Edge Foundation ADHD Resources
Follow Edge Foundation's board ADHD Resources on Pinterest.2. Rebecca Brady Aycock (ADHD Love)
Follow Rebecca Brady Aycock's board ADHD Love on Pinterest.3. Live ADHD Free, LLC
Visit Live ADHD Free, LLC's profile on Pinterest.4. ADD Free Resources
Visit ADD freeSources's profile on Pinterest.5. Faith's ADD/ADHD Resources
Follow Faith's board ADD/ADHD Resources on Pinterest.6. Christie A. ADHD Resources
Follow Christie A.'s board ADHD Resources on Pinterest.LinkedIn Groups

1. Adult ADHD Foundation
This is a group for adults who have ADHD, have a friend or a loved one who does. In this LinkedIn Group members talk freely, share the good, the bad, the ugly stories that others might find useful.2. ADHD – No Fear, No Limits
A group for those who believe ADHD when managed well has nothing to fear and as Michael Phelps has shown, there are No Limits as well.3. ADHD Aware
Run by and for people with ADHD, the purpose of ADHD Aware is to empower children, adults and families affected by ADHD, educate, and enlighten all people as to the courage and competence of the ADHD community.Google+
1. ADHD Positive
ADHD Positive mission is to improve the life of people with ADHD and their families, through products, services, knowledge, community and professional support.
2. ADD/ADHD Connect

The ADD/ADHD Resource Series
- What is ADHD? Nine Websites that explain Attention (Hyperactivity) Deficit Disorder
- Seven Organizations that provide support for individuals with ADD/ADHD
- 10 ADD/ADHD Blogs and Forums you should follow
- 20 ADD/ADHD Books and Videos you should read and watch
- 10 Recreational Programs, Camps and Schools for children with ADD/ADHD
- 10 Toy Stores that provide great activities for Children with ADD/ADHD
- 30 ADD/ADHD Resources you should follow on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and more!
- 20 APPS that can help individuals with ADD/ADHD