An individual with spastic CP may have difficulty in walking because of the tight muscles in the hips and legs. When both legs are affected (spastic diplegia), a wheelchair is a popular device for mobility and accessibility. At Convaid, there are a variety of wheelchairs specially designed for individuals with CP. For example, their chair with 30-fixed tilt, headrest, and h-harness are suited for someone with weak trunk muscles, and needs assistance to sit upright.
According to makers of an adaptive tricycle, therapeutic cycling can improve respiration, swallowing and the development of head and trunk control while strengthening anti-gravity muscles, improving eye-hand coordination and self-esteem.
Depending on your child’s life stage and ability, there are products developed for assisting with movement while promoting stability or when difficulty holding themselves in an upright position.
Depending on the transportation needs of you and/or your child, an adapted vehicle may be an easier and much safer transportation option. For more information on Adapting Motor Vehicles for People With Disabilities, visit the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
The ability to use the toilet may be very empowering for an individual with CP, however, there may need to be modifications made in order to remain safe and hygienic. Bath chairs are also helpful in providing a safe and stress-free bathing experience.