Intro: "The adorable children’s books recommended in this post should be in our homes, schools, libraries, and children’s health professionals’ waiting rooms. They celebrate the strengths of all kids and show children working, playing, and succeeding in spite of a range of disabilities. With their inspiring messages, they help all children understand kids with different needs—or I should say, 'different strengths.'" Read more
Books included:
Intro: "As a speech language pathologist and parent, I love to use storytelling as an opportunity to initiate meaningful conversations and encourage children to follow their dreams regardless of their disabilities and delays. Children with special needs face many challenges in their lives, and reading inspirational children’s literature can help improve their self-esteem and make them more mindful and confident in their skills and abilities. These five inspiring children’s books are a great place to start." Read more
Books included:
Intro: "When siblings, family, and friends of a child with special needs understand what is going on, it is often easier for all concerned. When our kids with special needs learn new skills that make them more independent, it helps the entire family. Sharing books about these topics is one place to start making life easier for our children with special needs—and those who love and care for them." Read more
Books included:
Intro: "Parents and teachers, are you looking for resources to make inclusion work in your school or community activities? The five books I want to tell you about come from book series on special needs and disabilities. Special Needs Book Review has been a fan of these books since the publication of the first entry in each series." Read more
Books included:
Intro: "This post will introduce you to five wonderful children’s books that when shared and discussed with the children in your care will open their eyes and hearts to the challenges of others. Moreover, the life skills learned in many of these books help all kids grow into happier and more confident individuals who have learned how to regulate their emotions and senses. I hope that parents and those who work with children know about the many entertaining and educational children’s books that are published each year." Read more
Books included:
Intro: "Have a child, grandchild or student who is not coping well because he feels different from his friends and classmates? So often children feel they are “different” than their peers. Whether it is a perception or a reality that one doesn’t fit in, it can be a painful experience. These children must be listened to and supported, and discussing the following books would be very helpful. We suggest teachers, librarians, day care staff, and parents read and discuss with children the following six books reviewed and recommended by Special Needs Book Review." Read more
Books included:
Intro: "The six children’s books I recommend in this post touch on childhood anxiety, ADD/ADHD, sensory processing disorder, childhood friend’s battle with cancer, emotional and sensory processing difficulties, and a sibling with autism. Most communities have public libraries where you can borrow beautiful picture books with a wealth of information on children with special needs." Read more
Books included:
Intro: "The following books I recommend are invaluable resources that have immediately doable strategies to improve the lives of those whose lives are in turmoil because of SPD. Parents are desperate to find the help their child needs, and in these books they should find help and hope for a better future." Read more
Books included:
Intro: "Parenting is often difficult; therefore, harness the power of storytelling to help improve your children’s behavior. Children often identify with the main characters in books, so what better way to learn how it is growing up in some other child’s shoes, or wheel chair, or in a home with a sibling who has special needs?" Read more
Books included:
Intro: "Parents and other adults who care for youth with different needs are constantly looking for resources to help these kids feel better about themselves, to feel that they are not alone with these challenges, and to help them learn strategies to cope with their special needs. I have chosen four books for tweens and teens to help them if they have sensory processing disorder (SPD), if they need to learn social skills, and a wonderful book about cyber bullying." Read more
Books included:
Intro: "I have four great autism picture books to recommend to make this happen. Sharing these books with your children is the perfect way to open up discussions on children with special needs, accepting differences, respecting and including others." Read more
Books included:
Intro: "I have used children’s books to elicit language, improve literacy, and expand vocabulary in my therapy sessions. When I work with children who are non verbal or minimally verbal, I use children’s books to help build sentences with pictures, elicit conversation and initiate communication." Read more
Books included:
Intro: "The following children’s books can open the door to meaningful conversations about being kind to others, living with Down syndrome, and the challenges of sensory processing disorder. If you are the caregiver of a child with autism, you will appreciate the series of four books I mention." Read more
Intro: "The following books are a great addition to any home or classroom with young children. These books all have a moral or a lesson to teach the reader and are great discussion openers to reinforce tough-to-grasp lessons. Caregivers can harness the power of storytelling to improve their child’s behavior, build character, and foster empathy and compassion. The books I recommend allow most children to identify with the characters, many who have a special need." Read more
Intro: "Parents and teachers play an important role to educate, empower, and engage youths in discussions about bullying and its effects. I recommend the following books to help in our battle against bullying and how to be a good friend or co-worker at school or in the workplace." Read more
Books included:
Intro: "While not specifically written for children with special needs, these books do a great job to prepare an anxious child for flying and making sure they understand what to expect and what is appropriate while flying. If you have any additional books we should add please add them in the comments." Read more
Books included:
Intro: "Here are 15 great books that you can read to your child or classroom that will help explain special needs to children. Has your child ever asked you why Jeff can’t talk, why Olivia can’t walk, why does Jeremy wave his hands? Are you at a loss about how to explain special needs to your child?" Read more
Books included:
Find a Children's Book to Explain Disabilities to Your Child or Classmates
Maybe you're searching for a special needs children's book that allows your child to see a character that looks like him or her. Or maybe you're anticipating making a presentation to your child's classroom and hope to find books that will help the other kids with understanding and acceptance. This Friendship Circle blog has many posts that round up just the kind of children's books you're looking for, and we've gathered them here in one place for browsing convenience. Click on the title of the post to read more about the books included, or click on the title of the book to go buy it right away. (Looking for a parenting book? See our roundup of parenting book roundups.)Children’s Books to Promote Inclusion and Help Kids Be More Confident

- Emily’s Sister: A Family’s Journey with Dyspraxia and Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) by Michele Giannetti
- My Belly Has Two Buttons: A Tubie Story by Meikele Lee
- Hip, Hop, Hooray for Brooklynn Bunny! by Jill Harold and Betsy Miller
- What Are Your Superpowers? by Marget Wincent, OTR
- Suzie Book Series for Autistic Kids and Kids Who Worry Too Much by Charlotte Olson Series includes: Suzie Goes on an Aeroplane | Suzie’s Dressing Up Day | Suzie Goes to a Funeral | Suzie Goes to the Hairdresser | Suzie’s Toilet Time | Suzie Goes to School
Roundup by: Lorna d'Entremont | Date: June 20, 2017
Books to Inspire Your Child with Special Needs

- Happy Dreamer by Peter Reynolds
- Willow by Denise Brennan-Nelson and Rosemarie Brennan
- What Do You Do with an Idea? by Kobi Yomada
The Dot by Peter Reynolds
- The Big Orange Splot by Daniel Pinkwater
Children’s Books About Special Needs to Inform and Entertain

- Noah and Logan Learn to Tie Their Sneakers by Benjamin K.M. Kellogg, illustrated by Theresa L. Kellogg
- Prince Preemie: A Tale of a Tiny Puppy Who Arrives Early by Jewel Kats, illustrated by Claudia Marie Lenart
- Puzzle Piece Goes to Rainbow School by Tanis and Allison Frohriep
- Melvin Goes to the Dentist by Sara Cremeno and Colleen Genest, illustrated by Jonathan Coimbra
- Sensitive Sam Visits the Dentist by Marla Roth-Fisch
Roundup by: Lorna d'Entremont | Date: March 24, 2017
Children’s Book Series on Special Needs and Disabilities

- Friends Are…? by Ymkje Wideman-van der Laan, illustrated by Jennifer Lackgren
- Magical Max and Magical Mickey’s Big Surprise By Penelope Anne Cole, illustrated by Kevin Scott Collier
- Jenny and Her Dog Both Fight Cancer: A Tale of Chemotherapy and Caring by Jewel Kats, illustrated by Claudia Marie Lenart
- Jacob and Sam: A Friendship Story by Kristi O’Callahan, illustrated by James Corless
- The Paxton Series: On Special Needs and Disabilities by Margie Harding, illustrated by Jennifer Phipps
Roundup by: Lorna d'Entremont | Date: January 12, 2017
Children’s Books to Open Eyes and Hearts to Others with Special Needs

- White Cane Day by Kristin Grender
- Temple Did It, and I Can, Too!: Seven Simple Life Rules by Jennifer Gilpin Yacio
- Black Day: The Monster Rock Band by Marcus Sikora and Mardra Sikora
- How to Be a Superhero Called Self-Control!: Super Powers to Help Younger Children to Regulate Their Emotions and Senses by Lauren Brukner, MS, OTR/L
- Melvin Goes to the Dentist by Sara Cremeno & Colleen Genest
Roundup by: Lorna d'Entremont | Date: May 26, 2016
Children’s Books on Diversity and Acceptance of Self and Others

- Noah and Logan Series of Children’s Books on Social and Life Skills by Benjamin K.M. Kellogg
- Mizz Goodie 2 Shoez by Charoletta Anderson
- We’re Not So Different After All by Lissette Lent
- Rainbow of Friendship by Joni Klein-Higger
- Love for Logan by Lori DeMonia
- Little Lonnie Long Ears by Mary Jean Kelso
Children’s Books That Help Explain About Anxiety, ADHD, SPD, Cancer, and Autism

- Violet’s Cloudy Day by Roz MacLean
- Where Has Polly Gone? by Lisa Service, M.Ed., MMS, PA-C, illustrated by Najdan Mancic
- I’m Not Weird, I Have SPD by Chynna Laird
- Her Pink Hair by Jill Dana
- The Kids’ Guide to Staying Awesome and in Control: Simple Stuff to Help Children Regulate Their Emotions and Senses by Lauren Brukner, MS, OTR/L, illustrated by Apsley
- Leah’s Voice by Lori DeMonia, illustrated by Monique Turchan
Roundup by: Lorna d'Entremont | Date: July 14, 2015
Books on Sensory Processing Challenges: For Kids Who Feel TOO Much

- No Longer A SECRET: Unique Common Sense Strategies for Children with Sensory or Motor Challenges by Doreit S. Bialer, MA, OTR/L, and Lucy Jane Miller, PhD, OTR
- Growing Up with Sensory Issues: Insider Tips from a Woman with Autism by Jennifer McIlwee Myers
- The Whole Spectrum of Social, Motor, and Sensory Games: Using Every Child’s Natural Love of Play to Enhance Key Skills and Promote Inclusion by Barbara Sher, M.A., OTR, with Karen Beardsley, OTR
Roundup by: Lorna d'Entremont | Date: January 16, 2015
Beautiful Picture Books That Educate Children About Special Needs

- Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns We Can All Get Along by Howard Binknow and Reverend Ana
- Sensitive Sam Visits the Dentist by Marla Roth-Fisch
- Manners Are…? — the fifth book in the series “Autism Is…?” by Ymkje Wideman-van der Laan Other books in the series: Autism Is…? | Danger Is…? | School Rules Are…? | Feelings Are…?
- My Friend Suhana by Shaila and Aanyah Abdullah
- Hansel & Gretel: A Fairy Tale with a Down Syndrome Twist by Jewel Kats
Roundup by: Lorna d'Entremont | Date: November 7, 2014
Intro: "These five books highlight a main character who is on the autism spectrum. Youth diagnosed with autism or Asperger syndrome rarely see such characters in mainstream fiction and the authors of these books, many are parents of such children, wanted to portray autistic protagonists in a positive light." Read more
Books included:
Young Adults Fiction Books Featuring Characters with Autism

- Delightfully Different by D.S. Walker
- Remember Dippy by Shirley Reva Vernick
- Screaming Quietly by Evan Jacobs
- The Society of Sylphs: How an Autistic Boy and a Mystical Being find their Voices through Human Tragedy by Lea M. Hill
- Melting Down: A Comic for Kids with Asperger’s Disorder and Challenging Behavior by James G. Balestrieri , Jeff Krukar PhD, and Katie Gutierrez
Books for Tweens and Teens with Sensory Processing Disorders

- Learn to Have Fun with Your Senses: The Sensory Avoider’s Survival Guide by John Taylor, PhD
- The Goodenoughs Get in Sync: 5 Family Members Overcome their Special Sensory Issues by Carol Kranowitz
- Socially Curious and Curiously Social: Social Thinking Guidebook for Bright Teens and Young Adults by Michelle Garcia Winner and Pamela Crooke
- No More Victims: Protecting Those with Autism from Cyber Bullying, Internet Predators and Scams by Dr. Jed Baker
Autism Children’s Books to Foster Acceptance and Understanding

- My Friend with Autism by Beverly Bishop with illustrations by Craig Bishop
- You Are a Social Detective: Explaining Social Thinking to Kids by Michelle Garcia Winner and Pamela Crooke with illustrations by Kelly Knopp
- My Little Brother Is a Little Different: An Autism Story by Tammy Parker Cox with illustrations by Denis Proulx
- Leah’s Voice by Lori DeMonia with illustrations by Monique Turchan
Great Picture Books for Children with Attention Disorders and Low Frustration Tolerance

- Listening Larry at School by Kristen Wilson and Elizabeth Sautter
- Mrs. Gorski, I Think I Have The Wiggle Fidgets by Barbara Esham, illustrated by Mike Gordon and Carl Gordon (colorist)
- Try and Stick with It by Cheri J. Meiners M.Ed
- Zach Gets Frustrated by William Mulcahy, illustrated by Darren McKee
- Josh’s Smiley Faces, A Book About Anger by Gina Ditta-Donahue, illustrated by Anne Catharine Blake
Roundup by: Becca Eisenberg | Date: January 10, 2014
Books That Can Spark Meaningful Parent-Child Conversations

- Toby, the Pet Therapy Dog, and His Hospital Friends by Charmaine Hammond
- Meet Annie by Heather J. Scharlau-Hollis
- Picky, Picky Pete -A Boy and His Sensory Challenges by Michele Girffen, MOT
- Feelings Are…? by Ymkje Wideman-van der Laan
Books That Will Boost the Confidence of a Child with Special Needs

- Horatio Humble Beats the Big “D” by Margot Finke
- Howard B. Wigglebottom Blends in Like Chameleons: A Fable About Belonging by Howard Binkow
- I Believe in You: A Mother’s Message to Her Son with Learning Differences by Kristen Debeer
- Captain Courage and the Fear-Squishing Shoes by Stacey Marshall
- Patch Land Adventures – Children’s Books About Wearing an Eye Patch by Carmen Swick
Book Suggestions to Develop Social Skills and Not Be Bullied

- Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns About Bullies by Howard Binkow with illustrations by Susan F. Cornelison
- Slime & All by Janet Ann Collins
- Social Rules for Kids: The Top 100 Social Rules Kids Need to Succeed by Susan Diamond, MA, CCC
- Social Thinking at Work: Why Should I Care? A Guidebook for Understanding and Navigating the Social Complexities of the Workplace by Michelle Garcia Winner, MA, CCC-SLP, and Pamela Crooke Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Books to Help Prepare Your Child for Air Travel

- The Noisy Airplane Ride
by Mike Downs, illustrated by David Gordon
- Going on a Plane by Anne Civardi, illustrated by Stephen Cartwright
- Airport
by Byron Barton
- Amazing Airplanes
by Tony Mitton and Ant Parker
- All Aboard Airplanes
by Frank Evans, illustrated by George Guzzi
Great Children’s Books for Explaining Special Needs to Your Child

- All Dogs Have ADHD
by Kathy Hoopmann
- All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome
by Kathy Hoopmann
- Special People, Special Ways
by Arlene Maguire
- Don’t Call Me Special
by Pat Thomas
- My Brother Is Very Special
by Amy May
- When My Worries Get Too Big! by Kari Dunn Buron
- My Brother, Matthew
by Mary Thompson
- We’ll Paint the Octopus Red
by Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen
- The Alphabet War
by Diane Burton Robb
- My Friend Isabelle
by Eliza Woloson
- What’s Wrong with Timmy?
by Maria Shriver
- Keep Your Ear on the Ball
by Genevieve Petrillo
- Rules
by Cynthia Lord
- Views from Our Shoes
by Donald Joseph Meyer
- Different Like Me
by Jennifer Elder