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Pure Friendship for Individuals with Special Needs
Lorna d'Entremont

Books on Autism, Behavior Solutions, Positive School Experience, and Disability Awareness

Parents, is school a positive or negative experience for your child? How is your child doing academically, emotionally, and socially? As a parent, you want your child to succeed in all areas of life, and we have the perfect parenting books to recommend. The advice and information in these books helps caregivers do everything they can to make sure their child arrives at school ready, willing, and available for learning. You will also find practical parenting tips that are immediately doable and well within your control, and greater insight into the disability experience.

1. Autism Parenting: Practical Strategies for a Positive School ExperienceBooks on Autism, Behavior Solutions, Positive School Experience, and Disability Awareness

Written by Connie Hammer

Connie Hammer is a parent educator, family consultant, and PCI Certified Parent Coach. Her conversational, uplifting style of writing comforts and motivates her readers. It empowers parents, caregivers, and family members of children on the autism spectrum to positively impact their child’s educational experience. This comprehensive guide pinpoints what areas—academic, emotional, and/or social—a child may struggle in. It has over 300 tips to help parents enhance their child’s school success. Autism Parenting is user-friendly, with distinct parts and chapters, plus bold bullet points that make it easy to find what you’re looking for. Interactive checklists at the end of most chapters are designed to help you implement the strategies you read to generate the changes you, and your child, desire. You can download these printable documents to use as visual reminders and display them for maximum results. Doing so will keep you focused and provide you with a feeling of accomplishment as you check each item off. Read complete review.

2. A Best Practice Guide to Assessment and Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Schools (2nd Edition)

Books on Autism, Behavior Solutions, Positive School Experience, and Disability Awareness

Written by Lee A. Wilkinson, PhD

This second edition is fully updated to reflect DSM-5 and current assessment tools, procedures, and research. This award-winning book provides a practical and scientifically based approach to identifying, assessing, and treating children and adolescents with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in school settings. Each chapter features a consolidated and integrative description of best practice assessment and intervention/treatment approaches for children and youth with ASD. It brings the topics of assessment and intervention together in a single authoritative resource guide consistent with recent advances in evidence-based practice. This guide is intended to meet the needs of school-based professionals, such as school psychologists, counselors, speech/language pathologists, occupational therapists, counselors, social workers, administrators, and both general and special education teachers. Parents, advocates, and community-based professionals will also find A Best Practice Guide to Assessment and Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Schools to be a valuable and informative resource. Read complete review.

3. Seeing Beyond the Surface: A Book of Short Stories and PoemsBooks on Autism, Behavior Solutions, Positive School Experience, and Disability Awareness

Written by Joanna Swank and Various Contributors

A truly moving collection of short stories, poems, and art, Seeing Beyond the Surface is an outlet for people with disabilities, family members, friends, or caregivers to express their feelings and views in an uplifting and positive way. Authors have a variety of reasons for participating, whether in support of the charity the book benefits or to share their voices. This lighthearted and uplifting compilation highlights the authors’ determination to live a full life. For many, it was not the life they imagined and prepared for. They had to adapt and adjust their lives, work, family life, and dreams and learn to cope with a different, unexpected set of circumstances The book is intended for anyone who wants to be enlightened by the vast difference in how people deal with and embrace their disabilities. This book helps readers understand the issues and barriers faced by people with disabilities living in our communities. Read complete review.

4. Behavior Solutions for the Home and Community: See a Behavior, Look it Up!

Books on Autism, Behavior Solutions, Positive School Experience, and Disability Awareness

Written by Beth Aune, OTR/L

This is the third book in an excellent series. The first two books focused on providing practical solutions and strategies for teachers and school personnel to respond to a child’s negative behaviors associated with poor sensory processing. This book is a tool for parents who have children whose behaviors are impeding their daily life. It is a handy reference guide with practical, efficient, immediately doable behavior solutions to help a child with autism and/or sensory issues succeed in everyday activities. One feature we love in these three books is their format. Read them once, so you know the many behaviors and solutions included, then keep them close at hand to be consulted numerous times. The authors have found a very simple and effective format, which they use throughout the books. The behavior and possible causes are explained clearly in a short paragraph, and bullet-form solutions follow. These solutions are practical, efficient and immediately doable without expensive, extra teaching tools or home equipment. The solutions can be implemented by a busy person with other children under their care. Once parents see a particular behavior, they can quickly look up an in-the-moment solution. The 115 pages of Behavior Solutions for the Home and Community are divided into five parts, with a total of 35 chapters. To find solutions to your child’s behavior problem, you just have to skim the detailed Table of Contents to find the chapter you are looking for. For example, here is a section of the Table of Contents: Section One:  Self Care and Promoting Independence Chapter 1 – Getting Dressed Chapter 2 – Restricted Clothing Choices Chapter 3 – Buttoning, Zipping, and Snapping Chapter 4 – Shoe Tying Chapter 5 – Bathing and Showering Issues Chapter 6 – Haircuts and Grooming Chapter 7 – Teeth Brushing Chapter 8 – Cutting Fingernails and Toenails Chapter 9 – Lotions and Sunscreens Chapter 10 – Toileting Read complete reviews on this series of books:

WRITTEN ON April 21, 2017 BY:

Lorna d'Entremont

Lorna d’Entremont has a Master of Education and has taught thirty years in French elementary classrooms in Nova Scotia. When she retired from teaching, she joined her daughter as co-owner of SentioLife Solutions,Ltd. the makers of the sensory, oral-motor tools SentioChews and KidCompanions Chewelry. She blogs about issues that concern parents of children with special needs and also writes reviews for their Special Needs Book Review site. She is a wife, mom of three, and grandmother of five granddaughters.