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Pure Friendship for Individuals with Special Needs
Cary Heller

10 Thoughts to Re-energize Parents of a Child with Special Needs

I have been an adult volunteer at Friendship Circle for around 10 years now. In these years I have experienced some of the most amazing looks in a mother's eye.The most amazing excitement on a fathers face when he sees his son score a basket.The proudest moment in a special child’s life written all over his entire being. I have also found myself caring for a very special young man, outside of my full time job for the past few years. In these years I have had some of the most amazing, touching experiences of my entire life. I have also never done anything more difficult in my entire life. Below are some thoughts that I have found myself thinking when times have been rough. They somehow help me along until things get better…. And they always do. I hope they can perhaps be of some help to you.

1. G- d trusted this truly beautiful soul to the only person who could care for it...You.

2. Your child was created in perfection. Not to show the world what is wrong with them, but the opposite.

3. Look for what is bad in any situation first and you will find it . Look for what is good first and you will find it

4. Trust the way you know it with your child. Most people will never know

5. You can take 100 handfuls at once. When the 101st handful comes you see G-d's true love in a smile

6. You quietly laugh to yourself when your friends talk about a crazy stressful situation.

7. Your child has a meltdown in a restaurant and you have to leave early again. Only to learn that a stranger has already paid your tab

8. When your child is in a park in all of summer's glory and gives a complete stranger a hug And that grown man is left in tears telling you that was the most amazing moment of his life

9. When you can hear and say more with the gaze of eyes than could ever be said with words

10. There is NO way NO how that anyone has ever known a love like this.

Because of all you give And because of all you get You are heroes And you are so loved

WRITTEN ON February 07, 2014 BY:

Cary Heller

Cary Heller is a long time volunteer at The Friendship Circle. He has worked with hundreds of children with special needs. He is a big brother, mentor and best friend of many years to a very special young man with severe autism. Cary is VP of Sales at All USA Clothing, a leader in the American Made clothing industry. In his spare time Cary is a respected jazz trumpeter in the Detroit music community, having toured with the great Ray Charles.