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Pure Friendship for Individuals with Special Needs

Common Threads: Ladies Gallery EventĀ 

Thursday, November 9th l 6:00pm l Farber Center Soul Studio lĀ 5586 Drake Rd, West Bloomfield, MI 48322

We cordially invite you to an evening of artistry and unity at the Soul Gallery on Thursday, November 9th. Embark on a journey through the theme of "Common Threads" as we unveil the collaborative works of three distinguished guest artists, threading their creative spirits with our Soul Studio artists. Savor a strolling dinner, indulge in a curated holiday market shopping experience, and partake in an art auction. Your presence will help weave this beautiful tapestry of shared stories!

To RSVP purchase your ticket below!

Thank you to our Ladies Gallery Event Committee: 

Susan August l Lindsey Barnett l Lainie Bauer l Nancy Berman l Kim Dent  l Joan Epstein l Suzanne Fellows l Lisa Gold l Sonia Gonte l Jackie Issner
l Lilly Jacobson l Stephanie Kates l Jenna Kaufman l Valerie Lane l 
Lauren Lesson l Nancy Luckoff  l Jill Menuck l Lisa Menuck l Susie Pappas l 
Leslie Ruby l Karen Saretsky l Sandra Schiff l Bassie Shemtov l