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Pure Friendship for Individuals with Special Needs
Friendship Circle, Videos

Friendship Circle Inclusion League [Video]

A Recap of Floor Hockey and Registration Information for the Spring Soccer League

Under the guidance of Ed Krass, a physical education teacher of 45 years, The Friendship Circle has successfully completed the first season of The Friendship Circle Floor Hockey League! The Friendship Circle Floor Hockey League was a real, competitive league with team placement, practices and games. Each team was comprised of both typically-abled players and players with special needs. After three months, we have seen a dual benefit for both sets of players. Our players with special needs have gained a healthy sense of confidence in their athletic abilities and are now involved, contributing players on their respective team. Our typical players have also grown tremendously in their athletic ability, but perhaps most importantly, in their ability to work as a team through developing trust and companionship with their teammates with special needs. Season two of the Friendship Circle Sports League will get underway at the end of March with an inclusion indoor soccer league. League Information:
  • The FC Soccer League will run from March 27th through June 5th (These dates are tentative)
  • 2 weeks of team placement/practice, 2 weeks of practice, 6 weeks of games
  • You can choose if you would like to play Sundays & Tuesdays or Sundays & Thursdays
  • All Sunday games will be one hour long and take place between 2:00-4:30pm
  • Tuesday & Thursday games will be from 5-6pm
  • Price: Non-Members: $100 Members: $75 Typically Developing Kids: $75
For more information about The Friendship Circle Soccer League, please visit

Video Recap of the Friendship Circle Floor Hockey League

WRITTEN ON January 01, 2014 BY:


Lauren Todaro joined The Friendship Circle in March of 2009 as the Assistant to the Director. As a writer and advocate for equality, she is consistently on the search for creative ways to bring more social advocacy and awareness to the Metro Detroit community. Have an idea? Email her at [email protected]